Atkinson Resources

Atkinson Resources

A few resources located in the Atkinson Outdoor Learning Gardens Library

Classroom Curriculum for Grades K-3, 4-6
Oregon State Extension Service, OSU 4-H Wildlife Stewards books.

Familiar Friends, Northwest Plants, by Rhoda Whittlesey
Good for plant identification. Leaf prints of natives and non natives to help identify many of the plants found in the Wildlife Habitat Garden.

Gardening for Wildlife Native Plant Flashcards
Beautiful photographs and descriptions of many of the plants found in the Wildlife Habitat Garden.

Landscaping for Wildlife in the Pacific Northwest, by Russell Link
This book includes: Wildlife Habitat Design and Maintenance and Wildlife in the Habitat.

Words Waiting to Fly and Playing with Poems, by Shelley Washburn
In 2004, writer and educator Shelley Washburn taught two workshops to Atkinson teachers and parent representatives. These creative writing workshops used the Wildlife Habitat garden as the jump-off point for poetry and nonfiction writing instruction.

Outdoor Learning Garden (OLG)

To contact the OLG chairperson, or visit Atkinson’s Outdoor Learning Gardens website, go to