
Make soup from the fall harvest.
Make soup from the fall harvest.

Light is Returning
by Charlie Murphy

One planet is turning
Circle on her path
around the sun
Earth Mother is calling
Her children home.

Light is returning
Even though this is the darkest hour
No one can hold
Back the dawn.

So keep it burning
Let’s keep the flame of hope alive
Let’s make the journey
Through the storm.
(sung at Atkinson’s Winter Social)


Winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, is around December 21.

In the Gardens

  • Record and sketch in garden journals.
  • If it snows, get pictures of the gardens.
  • Study the winter solstice: learn about planetary motion and solstice related customs, cultural rituals.

Garden Maintenance

  • Check cloches so crops are protected in the event of a cold snap.

Class Plans for the Garden


  • Feeder Watch (bird seed ornaments): “Winter Birds”*

1st Grade

  • Feeder Watch (bird seed ornaments)

2nd Grade

  • Winter in the Magic Garden (trim and tuck in for winter)
  • Feeder Watch (bird seed ornaments)

3rd Grade

  • Feeder Watch
  • Native Habitat project

4th Grade

  • Feeder Watch (Winter Birds*)
  • Seed Saving

5th Grade

  • Feeder Watch (Winter Birds*)
  • Plants in winter

*=Lesson Binder with descriptions available in the OLG supply closet

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